The Rebekah Dani Show

Deep Seeded Mindsets & Developing Your Formula for Thriving with Aclesia Miller

Episode Notes

Deep seeded mindsets are those things I call strongholds. They are the mindsets that are foundational programing and are truly running your life, decisions, and outlook on life. Many of these are attached to trauma and take far more work to shift and reprogram. 

A lot of the deep seeded mindsets that we experience are due to childhood. We are all living out our childhoods and allowing ourselves to heal from the things we were taught and shown.  It is the are of our lives that require a lot of grace, compassion, and perseverance. 

Join me and guest Aclesia Miller as we unpack deep seeded mindsets and help you develop a formula for thriving in your life. 

To learn more from Aclesia, visit

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